HISTORICAL: Network Church Now is now incorporated into CrossPoint as a whole and is resourced through micro siting and Levels of Connectivity (1-3).
Are you considering planting a church, starting a new work, or revitalizing an existing church plant. Consider being a part of the Network Church Now Process (NCN).
NCN is everything CrossPoint has figured out through both success and failure gathered together and offered to you whether you want to help start a CrossPoint work, or do your own thing.
The nest part of NCN is not the resources, it’s the connectivity. NCN creates a community of planters, starters, and revitalizers by offering regular online gathers and providing you a personal coach in seasoned planter/pastor and NCN Network Administrator.
- Contact Network Church Now at info@crosspointnow.net
- Set aside a time for training with NetworkChurchNow administrator
- Set time and start your NetworkChurchNow process
- Attend montly meetings online with NCN administrator
Every Network Church Now work begins with a bundle of resources we affectionately call “church in a box.” Which includes a variety of things:
- Apple TV with direct connections to CrossPoint content:
- weekend messages/services
- Grow Group video material
- children’s church videos
- Reading It Right Bible Study material
- Blotch children’s evangelism tool
- The Planter, Starter, Revitalizer manual which includes everything from inspiration to direction. How to start of service, doing background checks, when to consider incorporating, and many others answers to some of the tough questions. You can access a digital version here: Manual
If you feel like you may be interested in joining with CrossPoint to help plant a campus in any location, please check out the CrossPoint church planting strategy document: Here