
Welcome to CrossEyedLeaders! This space is designed to provide resources, provoke thought and foster a conversation for church leaders, planters and missional types. CrossPoint Church was planted in 1970, reinvented in 2002, and moved from a struggling neighborhood church of 120 people to a thriving multisite church passionate about reaching rural communities.

Currently, CrossPoint has 10 campuses, several network locations and a growing community of home-based works with more than 3,000 meeting weekly. We have learned much, but still have much to learn. The purpose of this site is to share all we know, offer anywhere resources we can and in return learn from you.

Many blessings on all you do and thank you for visiting here at CrossEyedLeaders.


Moving from neighborhood church to multisite, from traditional model to video, and from smaller to larger, CrossPoint has developed a number of systems and resources.

These are not one size fits all, and there is no claim that they are ‘best.’ But, they are a bit of who we are we offer them to you in hopes that what has been a blessing to us may bless some others.

Find a directory of resources here: DIRECTORY


Pastor Andy Addis ( andyaddis.com ) leads the discussion here at CrossEyedLeaders. He is a 46 year old pastor and a native Kansan who came to CrossPoint Church ( www.crosspointnow.net ) at the beginning of their revitalization in 2002.

Andy holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Communication from Fort Hays State University, and a Masters of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Tx.

Andy married Kathy in 1994 and they have two sons Noah and Nathan. They enjoy camping, road trips and concerts!

CrossPoint was established in 1970 and affiliates with the Southern Baptist Convention.



Welcome CrossEyedLeader

Welcome to the inaugural post of CrossEyedLeaders! Proverbs 27:17 says that as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another… That’s the purpose of this place. God has blessed us in so many ways, and I find that the more we remain open handed, stay in the conversation, give things away, and remain teachable… the …


Would love to hear from you. Maybe you have a question. Maybe you have a resource request. Maybe you have something to offer. Looking forward to connecting!

Please, use the contact connection points below.